March 03, 2009

an archipelago of stars

i love impressionism in literature.

I bathed in the Poem of the Sea

impressionism - to me - is the 'impression' that a couple of words strung together can 'impress' upon you.

Sweeter than the flesh of sour apples to children

(To the lit student, a more consciously stylised subset of imagery)

It's the fuzzy visual your mind sort of wraps around when you see

Dawn rising up like a flock of doves

It's the lingering emotion that your soul nudges at whenever you

Ferment the bitter rednesses of love!

It's the secret world you try to mould together with the scene of

Glaciers, suns of silver, waves of pearl, skies of red-hot coals!

Some people don't like literature because it's not 'tied-down', it's not real, it's not practical.

That's the exact reason why I love it so much. When put together, the words don't have to follow the strict rules of English syntax or grammar. Their only role is to evoke the harshest, most vivid and most intense feelings in the reader

star-infused and churned into milk...

Foam of flowers rocked my driftings

entranced in pallid flotsam

Drowned men sank backwards into sleep!

A boat as fragile as a butterfly in May.

1 comment:

  1. I apologise heartily to Arthur Rimbaud, whose poem The Drunken Boat I bastardised.
    He was 17 when he wrote this.
